Saturday, 16 February 2013

Essie Essie Essie!!

...Essie is my all favourite nail liquor. I would highly recommend it. I know that painting your nails can be quite a messy job if it is not done correctly as I found with other nail varnishes. But the Essie brush is super thick which makes the nail liquor very easy to apply. Even when it comes to painting the dreaded left hand (or if your left handed the right hand). The choice of colours are endless...

(Some of my Essie collection 'so far')
(My two favourites at the moment)

Luxedo-(This deep purple colour is perfect for a rainy day)

Baby daddy-(This soft pink gives your nails a natural extra shine)

Let me know what colours are you favourite this February. Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment :).

Eni x

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